The Loneliest Cookbook – The Potato Bagel Sandwich

Hello Lovely Savers! Welcome to this week’s entry on The Loneliest Cookbook! Last week we served up Beans and Rice, a lonely and yummy take on a dish served by my favorite Chinese restaurant, if you’d like to see that recipe click here.

This week’s meal was inspired by some of my poorer days in college… because you know what’s cheap? Potatoes. Particularly mashed potatoes. Did I literally mash potatoes? No. I used box, because…poor (and lazy). Thankfully, it did turn out pretty well! It made for a nice breakfast…and lunch…and dinner…

Here it is, The Potato Bagel Sandwich.


The Potato Bagel Sandwich

Prep time: 20 min.

Total Cost:$4.00 or less

Number of Meals: As many as you can make out of your potatoes!



Boxed Mashed Potatoes (Or reals potatoes if you want to be fancy, but we’re trying to keep it cheap over here.)

Plain Bagels (use another variety for some additional flavors!)

American Cheese slices



  1. Prepare the mashed potatoes as directed. You can make as much as you want, each sandwich only requires a little bit.)
  2. Cut the bagel in half.
  3. Once they are done, spread the potatoes over the bagel.
  4. Add cheese to the top of the potatoes if you would like.
  5. Place other half of bagel on top like a sandwich and microwave until the cheese melts.
  6. It will be hot! Allow to cool slightly and then enjoy!


Easy, filling, and cheap. Also easy to add different flavors to the potatoes and such. Add slices of turkey or ham for more protein! 

Thank you guys, see you next Thursday on The Loneliest Cookbook! Join us Monday for our Inexpensive Date Night Ideas, ft. Handsome Man!


Sugar and Savings,



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